Address: Piazza San Francesco
Description: The Franciscan minor monks arrived in Faenza around 1230, not long after the Dominicans and erected their gothic style church in 1271, of which there are few remains on the right exterior (a portal, traces of arches and other wall elements), in addition to residues of frescoes in the vestry. The gothic church was demolished in 1740 and gave way to one of the greatest building sites of Faenza of the 1700’s to then be completed in 1751 and directed by the Faentine maestros Raffaele Campidori and G.Battista Boschi and the architect from Imola Cosimo Mattoni. The façade is particularly sumptuous and reminiscent of Borromi models (look at the side obelisks on the upper section, clearly taken from the high altar at S.Maria Nuova). On the right we can see the massive chapel of the Blessed Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, a sort of “side appendix” to the church but a part of it at the same time (in addition to the renaissance style Oratory della Croce, further right), making it an architectural setting that is extremely united. The Sanctuary of the Immaculate Conception was built just before the church was reconstructed and dates back to 1714 (built by the Faentine Scaletta, probably designed by Alfonso Torregiani of Bologna). Inside there are many works of art: a 1500’s wooden cross by an unknown artist, perhaps from Emilia (first chapel on the left), the altar piece with S.Antonio resurrecting a dead person by G.Del Buono (third on the left), the 1700’s engraved wooden choir stalls and other furnishings and architectural details in marble.
Sundays and public holidays: Holy Mass at 7.00 am, 8.30 am, 10.00 am and 11.30 am. Saturdays at 5.30 pm
Directions: The church is a parish church and is always open every day. If you find it closed ring at the adjacent convent and ask permission to visit.
The easiest way to get there from the centre (Piazza Libertà) is along Corso Garibaldi. Half way down you will find piazza San Francesco on the right with the church in the background.